Cannabis Answers Network

What is with the wired rolling papers?

What's the deal with the rolling papers that have the little piece of wire in them?
Category: What is...? 8 years ago
Asked 8 years ago

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Oooh. Wired rolling papers. A favorite of mine as I'm super sensitive to heat and will consider half a joint finger burning worthy. So to fix this problem someone came up with an ingenious idea. To put a thin, non-invasive wire into the paper. The point of this is that once a bit of your joint has been smoked and ashed you will start to notice a wire is all that is left of your beautiful joint. As soon as your ready you can bend that wire down so that holding and hitting your joint when it starts to get into "burning roach" territory you have a nice little wire to hold onto. It's like a roach clip you never have to find because it's just embedded into the papers. Hope this answered your question!!
Answered 8 years ago

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